HS / Junior Registration Form Submission is restrictedForm is successfully submitted. Thank you!April 23 Green River Ramp oneTodays Date*High School Or Junior*High SchoolJuniorPayment Type*Credit/PayPalCheckSelect TournamentApril 23 Green River Ramp oneHigh School/Club Name*1. Team Member Name*B.A.S.S. Number*Phone*2. Team Member NameB.A.S.S. Number*Phone*Coach NamePhone3. Team Member NameB.A.S.S. NumberALL PARTICIPANTS MUST EXECUTE THE FOLLOWING WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND NAMEAND LIKENESS RELEASEAs a condition of my being permitted to participate as a volunteer/competitor in the Kentucky B.A.S.S. Nation High SchoolQualifiers, Championship or Bradley Roy HS Open (the “Event”), an opportunity available to a limited number of people,and for other goods and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged andintending to be legally bound, I agree to the following:Name and Likeness ReleaseI hereby grant permission to B.A.S.S., LLC its parent companies, its subsidiaries and subsidiaries of its parentand their affiliates, their successors, licensees and assigns (the “Distributors”) to utilize my appearance,performance, name, voice and likeness in connection with the Event itself and any productions incorporating orbased on the Event, in connection with publicity for the Event and future editions of the Event and in connectionwith the promotion of B.A.S.S., LLC and any tournaments or other events staged by B.A.S.S., LLC in any and allmanner and media throughout the universe in perpetuity. I hereby waive any right that I may have to inspect orapprove any finished product or any advertising copy that may be used in connection therewith or the use towhich it is applied. I hereby warrant that I have the right to make this release and that my granting this releaseand the rights conveyed thereby will not infringe the rights of any third party.Physical ConditionI am physically fit to participate as a volunteer/competitor in the Event, and have not been advised otherwise by amedical practitioner.Equipment and Facilities InspectionI agree that before I participate as a volunteer/competitor in the Event, I will inspect the related facilities andequipment. I will immediately advise the supervisor of the Event of any unsafe condition that I observe. I willrefuse to participate in the Event until all unsafe conditions observed by me have been remedied.Assumption of RiskI understand that I, and each participant in the Event, will be engaging in activities that involve the risk of seriouspersonal injury, illness, permanent disability, dismemberment and death, and that also involve the risk of severeeconomic and property loss and damage. I understand that these risks may result from the actions, negligence,fault, omission and failure to act of myself and others (including but not limited to Anglers Outpost and MarineLLC, Kentucky B.A.S.S. Nation, Bradley Roy LLC and other participants in, and the sponsors, organizers andvolunteers of the Event) and from the rules of play, the challenges of the Event and the condition of any property,facilities or equipment used. I also understand that there may be risks involved which are not known to me or tothe Distributors, sponsors, organizers, City of Campbellsville, KY, and other volunteers, and may not be foreseenor reasonably foreseeable by any of them or us at this time or at the time of the Event.I assume all of the foregoing risks including the risk of any negligence by other participants or by Anglers Outpostand Marine LLC, Kentucky B.A.S.S. Nation, Bradley Roy LLC and the Distributors, organizers, sponsors orvolunteers of the Event and their respective owners, directors, officers, employees or agents, and the risk of injurycaused by the condition of any property, facilities or equipment used during the Event, and accept personalresponsibility for any injury (including, but not limited to, personal injury, disability, dismemberment and death),illness, damage, loss, claim, liability or expense, of any kind or nature, that I or my property may suffer arising outof or in connection with the Event or my participation therein or attendance thereat.Liability Release and Indemnity AgreementI hereby release and forever discharge and agree to save and hold harmless B.A.S.S., LLC and its respectiveparents and their subsidiaries, subsidiaries of its parents and their affiliates, and its owners, officers, directors andemployees, of Anglers Outpost and Marine LLC, Kentucky B.A.S.S. Nation, Bradley Roy LLC and othervolunteers associated or affiliated with the Event, the owners, lessors and lessees of the property, facilities andequipment used in connection with the Event, including without limitation the respective organizers, directors,officers, employees and agents of all of them, and the other participants in the Event (each such entity orindividual being referred to as a “Released Party”) of and from any and all injuries (including personal injury,disability, dismemberment, and death), illness, losses, damages, claims, liabilities or expenses (includingattorneys’ fees) of any kind or nature (and whether accruing to me, my heirs or my personal representatives) thatare caused or alleged to be caused in whole or in part by my action, negligence, fault, omission, failure to act, orby my breach or alleged breach of this Waiver and Release, or by the condition of the property, facilities orequipment of any Released Party or that arise out of or in connection with the Event or my participation therein orattendance thereat.Medical TreatmentIn connection with any injury I may sustain or illness or other medical conditions I may experience during myparticipation in or attendance at the Event, I authorize any emergency first aid, medication, medical treatment orsurgery deemed necessary by the attending medical personnel if I am not able to act on my own behalf. I furtherauthorize the attending medical personnel to execute on my behalf any permission forms, consents or otherappropriate documents relating to medical attention and to act on my behalf if I am not able or immediatelyavailable to do so.Severability of ProvisionsI agree that the foregoing agreements are intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by AnglersOutpost and Marine LLC, Kentucky B.A.S.S. Nation, Bradley Roy LLC law. Any provisions herein found by acourt to be void or unenforceable shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provisions.B.A.S.S., LLC Waiver and Release* Submit MAIL CHECK TO:1103 Tammy Drive Paris, KY 40361 “postmark checks 14 days prior to event” Follow us Follow